Korean Word: 한번
Romanization: han bun
English Meaning: one time

Example Sentences:

그의 꿈은 돌고래와 같이 수영을 한번 해보는 겁니다.
geu eui koom eun dol go re wa ga chi soo yung eul han bun he bo neun gup ni da.
His dream is to swim with dolphins once.
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당신은 기회를 한 번 더 가질 자격이 있습니다.
dang shin eun gi hwe reul han bun duh ga jil ja gyuk i it seup ni da.
You deserve a second chance.
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인생은 한번 뿐이야 - 너가 힌두교 신자가 아닌 한!
in seng eun han bun poon i ya - nuh ga hin doo gyo shin ja ga a nin han!
You only live once - unless you are Hindu!
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ha na

one, 1 (hangeul)

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1. turn, time 2. number

Here: turn, time

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