Korean Word:
Romanization: bun
English Meaning: 1. turn, time 2. number

Example Sentences:

다시 한 번 말씀해 주세요.
da shi han bun mal seum he joo se yo.
Please say it again.
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네? 다시 한 번 말씀해 주시겠습니까?
ne? da shi han bun mal seum he joo shi get seup ni ka?
Pardon? Could you say that again?
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11월은 일 년 중 11번째 달입니다.
shi bi rwul eun il nyun joong yul ha na bun je dal ip ni da.
November is the eleventh month of the year.
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우리가 탈 기차는 2번 승강장에서 출발합니다.
woo ri ga tal gi cha neun i bun soong gang jang e suh chool bal hap ni da.
Our train departs from platform two.
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일년에 세 번 전 직원들의 업무수행평가가 실시됩니다.
il nyun e se bun jun jik wun deul eui up moo soo heng pyung ga ga shil shi dwep ni da.
Three times a year the work performance of every employee is reviewed.
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그는 6개월에 한 번씩 헌혈을 합니다.
geu neun yook ge wul e han bun sik hun hyul eul hap ni da.
He donates blood every six months.
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저는 그에게 세 번을 질문했는데, 그는 대답하지 않았습니다.
juh neun geu e ge se bun eul jil moon het neun de, geu neun de dap ha ji an at seup ni da.
I have asked him three times, but he didn't answer.
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