Swedish Word: under

English Meaning: 1. during 2. beneath, under

Example Sentences:

Katten är under bordet.
The cat is under the table.
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Han berättade att han slagits mot sjukdomen alkoholism under hela sitt vuxna liv.
He said that he has battled the disease of alcoholism for all of his adult life.
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Detta var höjdpunkten under det här evenemanget.
This was the high point of this event.
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Båten kapsejsade under en storm.
The boat capsized during a storm.
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Hannover förstördes nästan helt och hållet under andra världskriget.
Hanover was almost completely destroyed in the second world war.
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Mullvadar lever under marken.
Moles live beneath the ground.
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Han var väldigt nervös under presentationen.
He was very nervous during the presentation.
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