Swedish Word: en sol
Singular (Definite): solen
Plural (Indefinite): solar
Plural (Definite): solarna

English Meaning: sun

Example Sentences:

Alla vet att solen går upp i öster.
Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east.
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Att bränna sig i solen är mycket skadligt för huden.
A sunburn is very damaging to the skin.
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Solen gömmer sig bakom ett moln.
The sun is behind a cloud.
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Använd solskydd för att inte bränna dig i solen.
Use sunscreen to avoid sunburn.
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Solen skiner.
The sun is shining.
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På Lanzarote skiner solen året runt.
On Lanzarote there is year-round sunshine.
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Solen sken varje dag.
The sun was shining every day.
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