Swedish Word: visa

English Meaning: to show

Word Forms: visade, visar

Example Sentences:

Han visade aldrig någon ånger över sina brott.
He never showed remorse for his crimes.
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Hon visar aldrig riktigt sin ilska.
She never really expresses her anger.
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Domaren visade honom ingen nåd.
The judge didn't show mercy to him.
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En studie visade att kvinnor underskattar sin intelligens, medan män överskattar sin.
A study found that women underestimate their intelligence, while men overestimate theirs.
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Jag förstår inte riktigt. Kan du visa mig?
I don't understand. Can you show me?
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Regimen visade ingen nåd för demonstranten.
The regime showed no mercy to the protester.
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Kan du visa på kartan?
Can you show me on the map?
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