This lawyer charges more per hour than I make in a week. How greedy!
Swedish Translation:Den här advokaten tar mer per timme än jag tjänar på en vecka. Vad girigt!
Listen to Swedish Sentence:den här this [Show Details] |
en advokat (SD: advokaten, PI: advokater, PD: advokaterna) attorney, lawyer, solicitor [Show Details] |
ta 1. to take (sth) 2. to take/attend (a class/course) 3. to put (on) Here: to take (sth) [Show Details] |
mer more [Show Details] |
per per [Show Details] |
en timme (SD: timmen, PI: timmar, PD: timmarna) hour [Show Details] |
än 1. than 2. yet Here: than [Show Details] |
jag I, me [Show Details] |
tjäna 1. to serve 2. to make (money) Here: to make (money) [Show Details] |
på on, to, at, for, of, in [Show Details] |
en 1. one (number) 2. a, an (indefinite article) 3. one, you (pronoun) Here: one (number) [Show Details] |
en vecka (SD: veckan, PI: veckor, PD: veckorna) week [Show Details] |
vad 1. what 2. how (exclamation) Here: how (exclamation) [Show Details] |
girig greedy [Show Details] |
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