Romanian Word: timp n.
Plural: timpuri
English Meaning: 1. time 2. weather

Word Forms: timpul, timpule, timpului, timpurile, timpurilor

Example Sentences:

Cât timp sunt deschise magazinele?
How long are the shops open?
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Ce mai faci? Nu te-am mai văzut de mult timp.
How are you? I haven't seen you for a long time.
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Timpul înseamnă bani.
Time is money.
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A locuit în Brazilia timp de 12 ani.
He lived in Brazil for twelve years.
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În zilele noastre, copiii nu petrec prea mult timp în natură.
Nowadays kids don't spend much time in nature.
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Pe timpul verii nu este prea multă apă aici.
In summer, there's not much water here.
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