German Text:
Sie können der rückläufigen Bienenpopulation helfen, indem Sie in Ihrem Garten Blumen pflanzen.

English Translation:
You can help the declining bee population by planting flowers in your garden.

Grammar Notes:
Sie können der rückläufigen Bienenpopulation helfen, indem Sie in Ihrem Garten Blumen pflanzen.

1. Sie – This is the formal version of "you" (polite address in German) and is capitalized. Here it acts as the subject of the sentence.

2. können – This is the present tense form of the modal verb "können" (infinitive) meaning "can" or "to be able to." It is used here to express the ability to help.

3. der – This is the dative feminine definite article, corresponding to "the." It shows that "Bienenpopulation" is in the dative case, as it is the indirect object.

4. rückläufigen – This is the adjective form derived from "rückläufig" meaning "declining" or "decreasing." The ending "-en" shows it’s in the dative feminine case to match "Bienenpopulation."

5. Bienenpopulation – This noun means "bee population." It’s feminine in gender, hence it takes the dative feminine article "der."

6. helfen – This verb means "to help" and takes the dative case, which is why "der rückläufigen Bienenpopulation" is in dative form. "Helfen" (infinitive) expresses offering aid or support.

7. indem – This subordinating conjunction means "by" or "in that" and is used to introduce a dependent clause that describes the manner or method by which the action in the main clause is achieved.

8. Sie – Again, this is the formal version of "you," matching the subject of the main clause, as the subject is consistent across both clauses.

9. in Ihrem Garten – This phrase means "in your garden."
- in – a preposition meaning "in."
- Ihrem – a possessive pronoun meaning "your" in the dative case, matching "Garten." It is capitalized here due to formal address.
- Garten – a masculine noun meaning "garden," here in the dative case following the preposition "in."

10. Blumen – The plural form of "Blume" (flower), meaning "flowers." It’s in the accusative case as it is the direct object of the verb "pflanzen."

11. pflanzen – This verb means "to plant" (infinitive) and is used here in the present tense form, indicating the action of planting flowers.

Grammar Tip:

In German, when using modal verbs (like "können"), the main verb is placed at the end of the clause in its infinitive form. Here, "können" pushes "helfen" to the end of the main clause. Additionally, indem is a useful conjunction to express how one action is achieved through another, similar to "by" in English.

Related Words:

- Bevölkerung – meaning "population" (used in a more general sense than "Bienenpopulation").
- unterstützen – another verb meaning "to support," which could be a synonym for "helfen" in some contexts.

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