German Text:
Die Luft ist rauchig und die Stadt ist geschäftig.

English Translation:
The air is smoky and the city is busy.

Grammar Notes:
- Die: This is the feminine singular definite article meaning "the." It is used here because "Luft" (air) is a feminine noun in German.

- Luft: A feminine noun meaning "air." In German, nouns are gendered, and "Luft" is feminine, which is why it takes the article "die."

- ist: This is the third person singular form of the verb "sein," meaning "to be." The infinitive form is "sein." "Ist" is used here to describe the state of "Luft" (air) and later "Stadt" (city).

- rauchig: This is an adjective meaning "smoky." In German, when adjectives follow the verb "sein" (to be), they remain in their base form and do not change based on gender or number. This adjective describes the condition of the air.

- und: A conjunction meaning "and," used to connect two independent clauses.

- die: Again, this is the feminine singular definite article meaning "the." It is used with "Stadt" (city), which is a feminine noun.

- Stadt: A feminine noun meaning "city" or "town." Like "Luft," it is feminine, and therefore it takes the article "die."

- ist: The same third person singular form of "sein" (to be) used again to describe the condition of "Stadt" (city).

- geschäftig: An adjective meaning "busy" or "bustling." Like "rauchig," it follows "sein" and remains in its base form because it describes the state of "Stadt."

### Grammar Tip:
In German, adjectives used with the verb "sein" (to be) do not decline or change based on gender, case, or number. They remain in their base form when describing the subject’s state. However, adjectives that precede nouns must agree with the gender, number, and case of the noun they modify.

### Related Words:
- heiß (adjective): hot
Example: Die Luft ist heiß. — The air is hot.

- ruhig (adjective): calm, quiet
Example: Die Stadt ist ruhig. — The city is quiet.

- verschmutzt (adjective): polluted
Example: Die Luft ist verschmutzt. — The air is polluted.

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