Chinese Text:

English Translation:
The image depicts a peaceful winter scene in a forest, with birch trees covered in snow.

Grammar Notes:

1. 這張圖像描繪了森林中寧靜的冬季場景,白樺樹被白雪覆蓋。
- 這張圖像 (zhè zhāng túxiàng): "This image"
- 這 (zhè): Demonstrative pronoun, means "this."
- 張 (zhāng): Measure word for flat objects like pictures or paper. It translates to "sheet" or "piece."
- 圖像 (túxiàng): Noun, means "image" or "picture."
- 描繪了 (miáohuì le): "Describes" or "depicts"
- 描繪 (miáohuì): Verb, means "to describe" or "to depict."
- 了 (le): Particle indicating a completed action or change of state.
- 森林中 (sēnlín zhōng): "In the forest"
- 森林 (sēnlín): Noun, means "forest."
- 中 (zhōng): Preposition, means "in" or "within."
- 寧靜的 (níngjìng de): "Peaceful"
- 寧靜 (níngjìng): Adjective, means "peaceful" or "tranquil."
- 的 (de): Particle used to connect adjectives to nouns, functioning similarly to the possessive "'s" or as a descriptive marker.
- 冬季 (dōngjì): "Winter"
- 冬季 (dōngjì): Noun, means "winter."
- 場景 (chǎngjǐng): "Scene"
- 場景 (chǎngjǐng): Noun, means "scene" or "setting."
- 白樺樹 (báihuàshù): "Birch tree"
- 白樺 (báihuà): Noun, means "birch."
- 樹 (shù): Noun, means "tree."
- 被 (bèi): Particle indicating passive voice, meaning "by" or "covered by."
- 白雪 (báixuě): "Snow"
- 白 (bái): Adjective, means "white."
- 雪 (xuě): Noun, means "snow."
- 覆蓋 (fùgài): "Covered"
- 覆蓋 (fùgài): Verb, means "to cover."

General Grammar Tip:
In Traditional Chinese, the passive voice is often indicated by the particle 被 (bèi). The focus is placed on the action and its recipient rather than the doer of the action. The structure typically places the recipient of the action before 被 and the agent after it.

Related Words:
- 描述 (miáoshù): Verb, "to describe."
- 描寫 (miáoxiě): Verb, "to depict" or "to sketch."
- 冬天 (dōngtiān): Noun, "winter" (colloquial term).
- 樹林 (shùlín): Noun, "woods" or "grove."

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