Arabic Text:
تُصوّر الصورة مشهداً شتوياً هادئاً في غابة تكسو الثلوج أشجار البتولا.

English Translation:
The image depicts a peaceful winter scene in a forest, with birch trees covered in snow.

Grammar Notes:
تُصوّر (tuṣawwir) - Verb, present tense, 3rd person feminine singular. Infinitive: صَوَّرَ (ṣawwara) - "to photograph" or "to depict".
الصورة (aṣ-ṣūrah) - Noun, definite, feminine singular. Means "the picture" or "the image".
مشهداً (mashhadan) - Noun, indefinite, masculine singular, accusative case. Means "a scene" or "a view".
شتوياً (shatwiyyan) - Adjective, indefinite, masculine singular, accusative case. Means "wintry" or "winter-like".
هادئاً (hādiʾan) - Adjective, indefinite, masculine singular, accusative case. Means "calm" or "quiet".
في (fī) - Preposition. Means "in" or "inside".
غابة (ghābah) - Noun, indefinite, feminine singular. Means "a forest".
تكسو (taksū) - Verb, present tense, 3rd person feminine singular. Infinitive: كَسَا (kasā) - "to cover" or "to clothe".
الثلوج (ath-thulūj) - Noun, definite, feminine plural. Means "the snow".
أشجار (ashjār) - Noun, indefinite, feminine plural. Means "trees".
البتولا (al-batūlā) - Noun, definite, feminine singular. Means "the birch" (referring to birch trees).

Grammar Tip: In Arabic, adjectives agree with the noun they describe in gender, number, and case. For example, "شتوياً" (shatwiyyan) and "هادئاً" (hādiʾan) are both masculine singular and in the accusative case to match "مشهداً" (mashhadan).

Related Words:
- غابة (ghābah) - "forest" (already explained).
- شجرة (shajarah) - "tree" (singular form of "أشجار").
- ثلج (thalj) - "snow" (singular form of "الثلوج").
- هدوء (hudūʾ) - "calmness" or "quietness" (noun form of "هادئاً").

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