Swedish Text:
I gamla stan körde en spårvagn längs gatan. Maria väntade i hörnet, ivrig att få se sin älskade. När spårvagnen stannade såg hon hans leende genom fönstret och visste att hon skulle minnas det här ögonblicket för alltid.

English Translation:
In the old city, a tram moved down the street. Maria waited at the corner, eager to see her love. When it stopped, she saw his smile through the window and knew she'd remember this moment forever.

Grammar Notes:
1. I - "In" (preposition)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a preposition.

2. gamla - "old" (adjective, plural form, agrees with "stan")
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is an adjective.

3. stan - "the town" or "the city" (noun, common gender, definite form)
- Infinitive form: stad (city)

4. körde - "drove" (verb, past tense, third-person singular)
- Infinitive form: köra (to drive)

5. en - "a" or "an" (indefinite article)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is an article.

6. spårvagn - "tram" (noun, common gender)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a noun.

7. längs - "along" (preposition)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a preposition.

8. gatan - "the street" (noun, common gender, definite form)
- Infinitive form: gata (street)

9. Maria - "Maria" (proper noun, subject of the sentence)

10. väntade - "waited" (verb, past tense, third-person singular)
- Infinitive form: vänta (to wait)

11. i - "in" (preposition)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a preposition.

12. hörnet - "the corner" (noun, neuter gender, definite form)
- Infinitive form: hörn (corner)

13. ivrig - "eager" (adjective)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is an adjective.

14. att - "to" (infinitive marker before the verb "få")
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is an infinitive marker.

15. få - "to get" or "to receive" (verb, infinitive form)
- Infinitive form: få (to get)

16. se - "to see" (verb, infinitive)
- Infinitive form: se (to see)

17. sin - "her" or "his" (reflexive possessive pronoun)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a possessive pronoun.

18. älskade - "beloved" (noun, singular, common gender)
- Infinitive form: älskad (beloved)

19. När - "When" (conjunction)

20. spårvagnen - "the tram" (noun, common gender, definite form)
- Infinitive form: spårvagn (tram)

21. stannade - "stopped" (verb, past tense, third-person singular)
- Infinitive form: stanna (to stop)

22. såg - "saw" (verb, past tense, third-person singular)
- Infinitive form: se (to see)

23. hon - "she" (personal pronoun)

24. hans - "his" (possessive pronoun)

25. leende - "smile" (noun, neuter gender)
- Infinitive form: leende (smile)

26. genom - "through" (preposition)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a preposition.

27. fönstret - "the window" (noun, neuter gender, definite form)
- Infinitive form: fönster (window)

28. och - "and" (conjunction)

29. visste - "knew" (verb, past tense, third-person singular)
- Infinitive form: veta (to know)

30. att - "that" (conjunction)

31. hon - "she" (personal pronoun)

32. skulle - "would" or "was going to" (modal verb, indicating future in the past)
- Infinitive form: skulle (would)

33. minnas - "remember" (verb, infinitive form)
- Infinitive form: minnas (to remember)

34. det - "it" (neuter pronoun)

35. här - "this" (adjective or adverb, used in this context as a demonstrative)

36. ögonblicket - "the moment" (noun, neuter gender, definite form)
- Infinitive form: ögonblick (moment)

37. för - "for" (preposition)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is a preposition.

38. alltid - "always" (adverb)
- Infinitive form: No infinitive, as it is an adverb.

### Grammar Explanation:
- I gamla stan ("In the old town") uses the preposition "I" (in) followed by "gamla" (old), which agrees with "stan" (town) in number and gender. "Stan" is in its definite form because it refers to a specific town.
- körde ("drove") is in the past tense of the verb "köra" (to drive).
- en spårvagn ("a tram") is a noun phrase where "en" is the indefinite article, and "spårvagn" is the noun.
- längs gatan ("along the street") uses the preposition "längs" (along) and "gatan" (the street), where "gatan" is in its definite form.
- Maria väntade ("Maria waited") uses the past tense verb "väntade" (waited) with the subject "Maria."
- ivrig att få se ("eager to see") uses the adjective "ivrig" (eager) and the infinitive verbs "få" (to get) and "se" (to see).
- sin älskade ("her beloved") uses the reflexive possessive pronoun "sin" to indicate ownership.
- När spårvagnen stannade ("When the tram stopped") introduces a time clause with "När" (when), and "spårvagnen" (the tram) is in the definite form, while "stannade" (stopped) is the past tense of "stanna" (to stop).
- såg hon hans leende ("she saw his smile") uses the verb "såg" (saw) with the object "hans leende" (his smile).
- och visste ("and knew") is a conjunction ("och") connecting the verbs "såg" (saw) and "visste" (knew), both in the past tense.
- skulle minnas ("would remember") uses the modal verb "skulle" (would) to indicate future in the past and the verb "minnas" (to remember) in its infinitive form.
- för alltid ("forever") uses the preposition "för" (for) and the adverb "alltid" (always) to convey the idea of something lasting forever.

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