Danish Text:
I den gamle bydel kørte en sporvogn ned ad gaden. Maria ventede på hjørnet, ivrig efter at se sin elskede. Da den stoppede, så hun hans smil gennem vinduet og vidste, at hun ville huske dette øjeblik for altid.

English Translation:
In the old city, a tram moved down the street. Maria waited at the corner, eager to see her love. When it stopped, she saw his smile through the window and knew she'd remember this moment forever.

Grammar Notes:
### Sentence Breakdown:
Danish: I den gamle bydel kørte en sporvogn ned ad gaden. Maria ventede på hjørnet, ivrig efter at se sin elskede. Da den stoppede, så hun hans smil gennem vinduet og vidste, at hun ville huske dette øjeblik for altid.

#### 1. I den gamle bydel
- I: Preposition meaning "in".
- den: Definite article meaning "the" (common gender, singular).
- gamle: Adjective meaning "old". Infinitive: gammel.
- bydel: Noun meaning "district" or "neighbourhood".

Grammar: The phrase "I den gamle bydel" is a prepositional phrase indicating location. The adjective gamle agrees in gender and number with the noun bydel (common gender, singular).

#### 2. kørte en sporvogn ned ad gaden
- kørte: Verb meaning "drove" or "ran" (past tense). Infinitive: køre.
- en: Indefinite article meaning "a" (common gender, singular).
- sporvogn: Noun meaning "tram".
- ned ad: Prepositional phrase meaning "down" or "along".
- gaden: Noun meaning "the street". Infinitive: gade.

Grammar: The verb kørte is in the past tense, indicating an action that happened in the past. The subject is en sporvogn (a tram), and the prepositional phrase ned ad gaden describes the direction of movement.

#### 3. Maria ventede på hjørnet
- Maria: Proper noun, a name.
- ventede: Verb meaning "waited" (past tense). Infinitive: vente.
- på: Preposition meaning "on" or "at".
- hjørnet: Noun meaning "the corner". Infinitive: hjørne.

Grammar: The verb ventede is in the past tense, and the prepositional phrase på hjørnet indicates the location where Maria waited.

#### 4. ivrig efter at se sin elskede
- ivrig: Adjective meaning "eager".
- efter: Preposition meaning "after" or "to".
- at se: Infinitive phrase meaning "to see".
- sin: Possessive pronoun meaning "her" (reflexive, referring back to the subject Maria).
- elskede: Noun meaning "beloved". Infinitive: elske (to love).

Grammar: The phrase ivrig efter at se describes Maria's eagerness to see her beloved. The reflexive pronoun sin agrees with the subject Maria.

#### 5. Da den stoppede
- Da: Conjunction meaning "when".
- den: Pronoun meaning "it" (referring to the tram).
- stoppede: Verb meaning "stopped" (past tense). Infinitive: stoppe.

Grammar: The conjunction da introduces a subordinate clause indicating the time when the tram stopped.

#### 6. så hun hans smil gennem vinduet
- så: Verb meaning "saw" (past tense). Infinitive: se.
- hun: Pronoun meaning "she".
- hans: Possessive pronoun meaning "his".
- smil: Noun meaning "smile".
- gennem: Preposition meaning "through".
- vinduet: Noun meaning "the window". Infinitive: vindue.

Grammar: The verb så is in the past tense, and the prepositional phrase gennem vinduet describes how Maria saw his smile.

#### 7. og vidste, at hun ville huske dette øjeblik for altid
- og: Conjunction meaning "and".
- vidste: Verb meaning "knew" (past tense). Infinitive: vide.
- at: Conjunction meaning "that".
- hun: Pronoun meaning "she".
- ville: Modal verb meaning "would". Infinitive: ville.
- huske: Verb meaning "remember".
- dette: Demonstrative pronoun meaning "this".
- øjeblik: Noun meaning "moment".
- for altid: Adverbial phrase meaning "forever".

Grammar: The verb vidste is in the past tense, and the subordinate clause at hun ville huske dette øjeblik for altid describes what Maria knew.

### General Grammar Tip:
In Danish, word order in subordinate clauses (introduced by conjunctions like da or at) follows the rule of placing the verb after the subject. For example:
- Da den stoppede (When it stopped) – the verb stoppede comes after the subject den.
- at hun ville huske (that she would remember) – the verb ville comes after the subject hun.

### Related Words:
- køre: To drive/run.
- vente: To wait.
- se: To see.
- elske: To love.
- stoppe: To stop.
- vide: To know.
- huske: To remember.

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