Italian Text:
Il volto di una bella donna. Ha i capelli rossi, gli occhi marroni e le lentiggini.

English Translation:
The face of a beautiful woman. She has red hair, brown eyes and freckles.

Grammar Notes:
1. Il - "The" (definite article, masculine singular)
2. volto - "face" (noun, masculine singular)
3. di - "of" (preposition)
4. una - "a" (indefinite article, feminine singular)
5. bella - "beautiful" (adjective, feminine singular)
6. donna - "woman" (noun, feminine singular)

- The first sentence translates to "The face of a beautiful woman."

1. Ha - "Has" (third person singular present indicative of the verb "avere" - to have)
2. i - "the" (definite article, masculine plural)
3. capelli - "hair" (noun, masculine plural)
4. rossi - "red" (adjective, masculine plural)
5. gli - "the" (definite article, masculine plural, used before vowels or specific consonants for phonetic reasons)
6. occhi - "eyes" (noun, masculine plural)
7. marroni - "brown" (adjective, masculine plural)
8. e - "and" (conjunction)
9. le - "the" (definite article, feminine plural)
10. lentiggini - "freckles" (noun, feminine plural)

- The second sentence translates to "She has red hair, brown eyes, and freckles."

General Grammar Tip: In Italian, adjectives must agree in gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural) with the nouns they modify. For instance, "bella" (beautiful) is feminine singular to match "donna" (woman), and "rossi" (red) is masculine plural to match "capelli" (hair).

Synonym: A synonym for "bella" (beautiful) in this context could be "affascinante," which means "charming" or "fascinating." Both adjectives describe an appealing appearance or quality, but "affascinante" adds a layer of allure or captivation beyond mere physical beauty.

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