French Text:
Une bougie brûle dans l'obscurité totale. La cire s'écoule lentement le long de la bougie.

English Translation:
A candle burning in complete darkness. The wax drips slowly down the candle.

Grammar Notes:
- "Une" means "a" or "one", indicating the candle is singular and feminine.
- "bougie" means "candle".
- "brûle" means "burns", coming from the verb "brûler" (to burn).
- "dans" means "in".
- "l'obscurité" means "the darkness", with "l'" being a contraction of "la" (the) and "obscurité" meaning "darkness".
- "totale" means "total" or "complete", describing the darkness.

And for the second sentence, "La cire s'écoule lentement le long de la bougie":

- "La" means "the", referring to the candle wax.
- "cire" means "wax".
- "s'écoule" means "flows" or "runs", coming from the reflexive verb "s'écouler" (to flow).
- "lentement" means "slowly".
- "le long de" means "along".
- "la bougie" means "the candle".

General grammar tip: When forming reflexive verbs in French, the pronoun "se" changes to match the subject: "je me lave" (I wash myself), "tu te laves" (you wash yourself), etc.

Synonym for "brûle": Consumes

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