Hebrew Text:
היא אוהבת קדרות, אבל בעלה מעדיף ציור, במיוחד צבעי מים.

English Translation:
She likes pottery, but her husband prefers painting, especially watercolours.

Grammar Notes:
The sentence "היא אוהבת קדרות, אבל בעלה מעדיף ציור, במיוחד צבעי מים" translates to: "She loves pottery, but her husband prefers painting, especially watercolors."

Grammar and Vocabulary Breakdown:

1. היא (hi) - Pronoun, "she".

2. אוהבת (ohevet) - Verb, present tense, feminine singular of the verb לאהוב (le'ehov, "to love").

3. קדרות (kadurot) - Noun, "pottery" (plural form of קדרה, kadara, "pot").

4. אבל (aval) - Conjunction, "but".

5. בעלה (ba'alah) - Noun, "her husband" (ba = in/with + aleh = him, meaning "her husband").

6. מעדיף (me'adif) - Verb, present tense, masculine singular of the verb להעדיף (le'ha'adif, "to prefer").

7. ציור (tsiyur) - Noun, "painting" or "drawing".

8. במיוחד (b'miyuchad) - Adverb, "especially".

9. צבעי מים (tzevei mayim) - Noun phrase, "watercolors" (tzevei = colors + mayim = water).

General Grammar Tip:
In Hebrew, adjectives and nouns must agree in gender and number. Verbs also change according to the subject's gender and number, so pay attention to these agreements when constructing sentences.

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