Grammar Notes: Helmut aime la musique folklorique, alors je lui ai préparé ce gâteau pour son anniversaire ! 1. Helmut - Proper noun: A name. - Subject of the sentence. 2. aime - Verb: "aimer" (to like, to love). - Present tense, 3rd person singular. 3. la - Definite article: "the." - Feminine singular. Refers to "musique." 4. musique - Noun: "musique" (music). - Feminine singular. 5. folklorique - Adjective: "folklorique" (folk, traditional). - Modifies "musique" and agrees in gender/number (feminine singular). 6. alors - Conjunction: "alors" (so, therefore). - Indicates a cause-and-effect relationship. 7. je - Pronoun: "je" (I). - Subject pronoun for the 1st person singular. 8. lui - Pronoun: "lui" (to him, to her). - Indirect object pronoun, refers to Helmut. 9. ai - Verb: "avoir" (to have). - Auxiliary verb in the passé composé, 1st person singular. 10. préparé - Verb: "préparer" (to prepare). - Past participle, agrees with "ai" to form the passé composé. 11. ce - Demonstrative adjective: "ce" (this). - Masculine singular, refers to "gâteau." 12. gâteau - Noun: "gâteau" (cake). - Masculine singular. 13. pour - Preposition: "pour" (for). - Indicates purpose or intention. 14. son - Possessive adjective: "son" (his, her, its). - Masculine singular, agrees with "anniversaire." 15. anniversaire - Noun: "anniversaire" (birthday). - Masculine singular. ### General Grammar Tip: In passé composé, use the auxiliary verbs "avoir" or "être" with the past participle. Most verbs take "avoir," but verbs indicating movement or change of state (like "aller" or "naître") usually take "être." ### Related Words: - écouter (to listen to): Often used with "la musique" ("J'écoute la musique"). - offrir (to offer, to give as a gift): Related to "préparer" in the context of giving a present. - traditionnel/traditionnelle (traditional): A synonym of "folklorique" but more general. |
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