Danish Text:
Et AI-genereret billede af en dame med en pensel. Billedet er inspireret af den østrigske maler Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

English Translation:
An AI-generated image of a lady with a paintbrush. The image is inspired by the Austrian painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

Grammar Notes:
Lesson: Danish Sentence Breakdown and Grammar Explanation

Sentence 1:
*Et AI-genereret billede af en dame med en pensel.*
Translation: An AI-generated image of a lady with a brush.

1. Et – "A" or "An" (indefinite article, neuter gender).
- Used before singular neuter nouns.
- Example: *et hus* (a house).

2. AI-genereret – "AI-generated" (compound adjective).
- *AI*: Abbreviation for "artificial intelligence."
- *genereret*: Past participle of *at generere* (to generate).
- Describes the noun *billede*.

3. billede – "image" or "picture" (neuter noun).
- Infinitive: *et billede*.
- Example: *et smukt billede* (a beautiful picture).

4. af – "of" (preposition).
- Indicates possession, origin, or material.
- Example: *en kop af keramik* (a cup of ceramic).

5. en – "a" or "an" (indefinite article, common gender).
- Used before singular common gender nouns.
- Example: *en bog* (a book).

6. dame – "lady" (common gender noun).
- Infinitive: *en dame*.
- Example: *en elegant dame* (an elegant lady).

7. med – "with" (preposition).
- Indicates accompaniment or possession.
- Example: *en kop med kaffe* (a cup with coffee).

8. en – "a" or "an" (indefinite article, common gender).
- Same as above.

9. pensel – "brush" (common gender noun).
- Infinitive: *en pensel*.
- Example: *en malerpensel* (a paintbrush).

Sentence 2:
*Billedet er inspireret af den østrigske maler Friedensreich Hundertwasser.*
Translation: The image is inspired by the Austrian painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

1. Billedet – "The image" (definite form of *billede*).
- *Billede* + *-et* (definite article for neuter nouns).
- Example: *huset* (the house).

2. er – "is" (present tense of *at være*, to be).
- Used for describing states or conditions.
- Example: *Hun er glad* (She is happy).

3. inspireret – "inspired" (past participle of *at inspirere*, to inspire).
- Describes the subject *billedet*.

4. af – "by" (preposition).
- Indicates the agent or source of inspiration.
- Example: *en bog af en forfatter* (a book by an author).

5. den – "the" (definite article, common gender).
- Used before singular common gender nouns.
- Example: *den mand* (the man).

6. østrigske – "Austrian" (adjective).
- Derived from *Østrig* (Austria).
- Example: *østrigsk kultur* (Austrian culture).

7. maler – "painter" (common gender noun).
- Infinitive: *en maler*.
- Example: *en berømt maler* (a famous painter).

8. Friedensreich Hundertwasser – Proper noun (name of the Austrian painter).

Grammar Tip:
In Danish, adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe. For example:
- *Et stort hus* (a big house, neuter).
- *En stor bil* (a big car, common gender).

Related Words:
- *kunst* (art) – *en kunst* (common gender).
- *maleri* (painting) – *et maleri* (neuter).
- *inspiration* (inspiration) – *en inspiration* (common gender).
- *østriger* (Austrian person) – *en østriger* (common gender).

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