German Text:
Dieses Bild zeigt einen Blick auf den Nil bei Sonnenaufgang. In der Ferne sind die berühmten Pyramiden zu sehen.

English Translation:
This picture shows a view of the Nile at sunrise. In the distance, the famous pyramids can be seen.

Grammar Notes:
1. Dieses Bild zeigt einen Blick auf den Nil bei Sonnenaufgang.

- Dieses Bild:
- *Dieses* is a demonstrative pronoun meaning "this." It is in the nominative case, neuter gender, singular.
- *Bild* means "picture" or "image," and it is a neuter noun. In the nominative case, it is "Bild."

- zeigt:
- *zeigt* is the third person singular form of the verb *zeigen*, which means "to show."

- einen Blick:
- *einen* is the accusative case form of the indefinite article *ein*, used with masculine nouns.
- *Blick* means "view" or "glance," and it is a masculine noun. In the accusative case, it is "Blick."

- auf den Nil:
- *auf* means "on" or "at," and it is used with the accusative case here to indicate direction or focus.
- *den* is the accusative case form of the definite article *der* for masculine nouns.
- *Nil* is the proper noun for "Nile," which is masculine in German. In the accusative case, it is "Nil."

- bei Sonnenaufgang:
- *bei* means "at" or "during," and is used with the dative case.
- *Sonnenaufgang* means "sunrise." It is a compound noun: *Sonnen* (sun) and *Aufgang* (rise). In the dative case, it is "Sonnenaufgang."

2. In der Ferne sind die berühmten Pyramiden zu sehen.

- In der Ferne:
- *In* means "in" or "at," used with the dative case.
- *der* is the dative case form of the definite article *die* for feminine nouns.
- *Ferne* means "distance" or "afar," and it is a feminine noun. In the dative case, it is "Ferne."

- sind:
- *sind* is the third person plural form of the verb *sein*, which means "to be."

- die berühmten Pyramiden:
- *die* is the nominative plural form of the definite article for all genders.
- *berühmten* is the plural form of the adjective *berühmt*, which means "famous." Adjectives in the nominative plural are inflected with *-en*.
- *Pyramiden* is the plural form of *Pyramide* (pyramid), which is feminine. In the nominative plural, it is "Pyramiden."

- zu sehen:
- *zu sehen* is an infinitive phrase where *zu* is a preposition meaning "to," and *sehen* is the infinitive form of the verb "to see." This construction is used to indicate something that can be seen.

General Grammar Tip:
In German, word order can be flexible due to the case system that indicates the grammatical function of each word in the sentence. Pay attention to case endings to understand the role of each word, especially when learning new nouns and adjectives.

Related Words:

- zeigen (to show) – *zeigt* (he/she/it shows), *zeige* (I show)
- Blick (view, glance) – *Blicke* (plural)
- Sonnenaufgang (sunrise) – *Sonnenuntergang* (sunset)
- berühmt (famous) – *unberühmt* (unknown)

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