German Text:
Dieses Neonbild zeigt einen Pfau, der von Pflanzen umgeben ist.

English Translation:
This neon picture shows a peacock surrounded by plants.

Grammar Notes:
## Sentence Breakdown: Dieses Neonbild zeigt einen Pfau, der von Pflanzen umgeben ist.

### Words and Grammar

1. Dieses
- Translation: This
- Part of Speech: Demonstrative pronoun
- Explanation: Refers to a specific object. It is in the nominative case, singular, and neuter to match "Neonbild."

2. Neonbild
- Translation: Neon image
- Part of Speech: Noun (neuter, singular)
- Explanation: Refers to a picture or image created with neon.

3. Zeigt
- Translation: Shows
- Part of Speech: Verb (third person singular, present tense)
- Infinitive Form: Zeigen
- Explanation: The verb "zeigen" means "to show."

4. Einen
- Translation: A / An
- Part of Speech: Indefinite article
- Explanation: Used in the accusative case, masculine, singular to match "Pfau."

5. Pfau
- Translation: Peacock
- Part of Speech: Noun (masculine, singular)
- Explanation: Refers to the bird known for its colorful feathers.

6. Der
- Translation: Who / That
- Part of Speech: Relative pronoun
- Explanation: Introduces a relative clause, agreeing in gender and number with "Pfau."

7. Von
- Translation: By / Of
- Part of Speech: Preposition
- Explanation: Indicates the agent or means in the passive voice.

8. Pflanzen
- Translation: Plants
- Part of Speech: Noun (plural)
- Explanation: Refers to multiple plants or vegetation.

9. Umgeben
- Translation: Surrounded
- Part of Speech: Participle (used in passive constructions)
- Infinitive Form: Umgeben
- Explanation: Used in passive voice, means "to surround."

10. Ist
- Translation: Is
- Part of Speech: Verb (third person singular, present tense)
- Infinitive Form: Sein
- Explanation: The verb "sein" means "to be."

### Grammar Tip

In German, relative clauses provide additional information about a noun and are introduced by relative pronouns like "der," "die," or "das." These pronouns must match the gender, number, and case of the noun they refer to.

### Related Words

- Bildschirm – Screen
- Pfauenfeder – Peacock feather
- Umgebung – Surroundings
- Zeichnen – To draw

Understanding how to use relative clauses and match pronouns to their antecedents is essential for clear and detailed descriptions in German.

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