German Text:
Ein buntes Bild einer jungen Frau, die Musik hört.

English Translation:
A colourful picture of a young woman listening to music.

Grammar Notes:
Sentence Breakdown: Ein buntes Bild einer jungen Frau, die Musik hört.

1. Ein - This is the indefinite article in German for neuter nouns in the nominative case. The English equivalent is "a."

2. buntes - This is an adjective describing the noun "Bild" and it follows the mixed declension pattern because it comes after an indefinite article. It is in the nominative neuter form. The adjective "bunt" means "colorful" in English.

3. Bild - This is a neuter noun in the nominative case, meaning "picture" or "image." The plural form is "Bilder."

4. einer - This is the feminine genitive form of the indefinite article "ein," used here because "Frau" (woman) is a feminine noun, and "einer" is referring back to "Frau" in a possessive/qualitative sense.

5. jungen - This adjective describes "Frau" and follows the mixed declension pattern, appearing here in the genitive feminine form. "Jung" means "young" in English.

6. Frau - This is a feminine noun in the genitive case, meaning "woman." The plural form is "Frauen."

7. die - This is a relative pronoun referring to "Frau." Since "Frau" is feminine and the subject of the relative clause, "die" is in the nominative case. It means "who" in this context.

8. Musik - This is a feminine noun in the accusative case, meaning "music." It is the object of the verb "hört."

9. hört - This is the third-person singular present tense form of the verb "hören," meaning "to hear" or "to listen." The infinitive form is "hören."

Grammar Tip:
When constructing sentences with relative clauses in German, the relative pronoun must agree in gender and number with the noun it refers to, and it must be in the case required by its function in the relative clause. In this sentence, "die" is nominative because it is the subject of the verb "hört."

Related Words:
- hören (to hear/listen) – Other forms include "gehört" (heard/listened) and "hörend" (hearing/listening).
- Jugendlich - Another adjective for "young," often used to describe teenagers or youth.
- Gemälde - A synonym for "Bild," typically used specifically for paintings.

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