Swedish Text:
Sväva genom skyn som en örn. Vem skulle inte vilja göra det?

English Translation:
Soaring through the sky like an eagle. Who wouldn't want to do that?

Grammar Notes:
The Swedish sentence "Sväva genom skyn som en örn. Vem skulle inte vilja göra det?" translates to "Float through the sky like an eagle. Who would not want to do that?" in English. Let's break down each word and phrase to understand the grammar and vocabulary used:

1. Sväva - "to float" or "to soar". This is the infinitive form "sväva". In the sentence, it is used in present tense form.

2. genom - a preposition meaning "through". It indicates movement within a certain area or medium.

3. skyn - "the sky". This is the definite form of "sky", which in its indefinite form is "skyn".

4. som - a conjunction or preposition meaning "as" or "like". It is used here to make a comparison.

5. en - an indefinite article "a".

6. örn - "eagle". This is a noun in its singular form.

7. Vem - "who". Used as an interrogative pronoun, asking about a person.

8. skulle - "would". This is the past tense of the auxiliary verb "skall", used here in a conditional mood.

9. inte - "not". A negation word.

10. vilja - "to want". This is the infinitive form "vilja".

11. göra - "to do". This is the infinitive form "göra".

12. det - "it". A pronoun referring back to the action of floating like an eagle.

### Grammar Tip:
Swedish makes use of V2 word order in main clauses, which means the verb typically comes second in declarative sentences. However, when forming questions or clauses involving certain conjunctions or adverbs, the subject and verb can invert, which is seen in "Vem skulle inte vilja göra det?"

### Related Words:
- Flyga (to fly): Another verb associated with movement through the air.
- Himmel (sky): Broader term often used interchangeably with "sky".
- Fågel (bird): General term that "örn" (eagle) falls under.

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