Pashto Text:
د خلکو یوه ډله په غرونو کې د کیمپ اور شاوخوا ناست دي. دننه د څراغونو سره څو خیمې شتون لري.

English Translation:
A group of people are sitting around a campfire in the mountains. There are several tents with lights inside.

Grammar Notes:
In the Pashto sentence "د خلکو یوه ډله په غرونو کې د کیمپ اور شاوخوا ناست دي. دننه د څراغونو سره څو خیمې شتون لري.", each element contributes to the meaning and structure of the sentence. Let’s break down and understand each part:

1. د خلکو یوه ډله - "d khalako yawa ḍal'a" (a group of people)
- د - "d" - a preposition meaning "of".
- خلکو - "khalako" - the genitive plural form of "خلک" (khalak), meaning "people".
- یوه - "yawa" - a numeral meaning "one", used here as an indefinite article "a".
- ډله - "ḍal'a" - a noun meaning "group".

2. په غرونو کې - "pa ghrūno ke" (in the mountains)
- په - "pa" - a preposition meaning "in".
- غرونو - "ghrūno" - the locative plural form of "غر" (ghar), meaning "mountain".
- کې - "ke" - a suffix attached to the noun to indicate location "in".

3. د کیمپ اور شاوخوا ناست دي - "d kemp awr shāwkhwa nāst de" (are camping around the campfire)
- د - "d" - a preposition meaning "of".
- کیمپ - "kemp" - a noun meaning "camp", borrowed from English "camp".
- اور - "awr" - a noun meaning "fire".
- شاوخوا - "shāwkhwa" - an adverb meaning "around".
- ناست دي - "nāst de" - a verb phrase meaning "are sitting"; "ناست" ("nāst") is the third person plural present tense form of "ناستل" ("nāstal", to sit).

4. دننه د څراغونو سره څو خیمې شتون لري - "dənnə d çṛāghūno sara çu khīme štūn lṛi" (inside, a few tents with lanterns are present)
- دننه - "dənnə" - an adverb meaning "inside".
- د - "d" - a preposition meaning "of".
- څراغونو - "çṛāghūno" - the genitive plural of "څراغ" ("çṛāgh", lantern).
- سره - "sara" - a postposition equivalent to "with".
- څو - "çu" - a numeral meaning "few".
- خیمې - "khīme" - the plural form of "خیمه" ("khīma", tent).
- شتون لري - "štūn lṛi" - a verb phrase meaning "are present"; "شتون" ("štūn") is a noun meaning "presence" and "لري" ("lṛi") is the third person plural present tense of "لرل" ("lṛal", to have).

### General Grammar Tip:
Pashto usually follows a Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) order. Adjectives, demonstratives, and numerals generally precede the nouns they modify. Postpositions are used after nouns, similar to prepositions in English but placed after the noun.

### Related Words:
- غر ("ghar"): "mountain".
- خیمه ("khīma"): "tent", singular of "خیمې".
- څراغ ("çṛāgh"): "lantern", singular of "څراغونو".

Understanding these structures and vocabulary will help you form and interpret complex sentences in Pashto.

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