Grammar Notes: Sentence Breakdown and Grammar Explanation: 전통 (jeon-tong) - This is a noun that means "tradition" or "traditional". It serves as an adjective here, modifying the following noun. 무슬림 (mu-seul-lim) - Another noun, this refers to "Muslim". It is combined with 전통 to describe a specific type of attire, i.e., traditional Muslim attire. 복장을 (bok-jang-eul) - This noun means "attire" or "clothing". The particle -을 is an object marker, indicating that "복장" (clothing) is the object of the action in the sentence. 한 (han) - This is a verb which in this context acts as an adjective modifying the noun, meaning "wearing" or "dressed in". It is the past participle of 하다 (ha-da), "to do". 남자와 (nam-ja-wa) - "남자" means "man", and "와" is a particle used after a noun to indicate accompaniment or inclusion, equivalent to "and" in English. 여자가 (yeo-ja-ga) - "여자" means "woman". The particle "가" is the subject marker, indicating that the woman, together with the man, is the subject of the sentence. 서로 (seo-ro) - An adverb meaning "each other" or "mutually", emphasizing the reciprocal action between the man and woman. 작별 인사를 (jak-byeol in-sa-reul) - "작별 인사" translates to "farewell greeting", with "작별" meaning "parting" and "인사" meaning "greeting". The particle -을 is again the object marker, showing that the greeting is the object of the action. 하는 (ha-neun) - This is a present participle form of 하다 (ha-da), "to do", used here to modify "사진", turning the phrase into "the photo doing the action of greeting". 사진입니다 (sa-jin-im-ni-da) - "사진" means "photo", and "-입니다" is a declarative ending in present tense, used here to state that the subject is a photo. 배경에는 (bae-gyeong-e-neun) - "배경" means "background", and "-에는" is a location marker emphasizing existence within the background. 독특한 (dok-teuk-han) - An adjective meaning "unique" or "distinctive", modifying "첨탑". 첨탑이 (cheom-tap-i) - "첨탑" means "spire" or "steeple". The "이" is the subject marker, pointing out that the spire is the subject in this part of the sentence. 있는 (it-neun) - This is the present participle of 있다 (it-da), "to exist", used here to modify "모스크". 모스크가 (mo-seu-keu-ga) - "모스크" translates to "mosque". The particle "가" follows, marking the subject of the verb "보입니다". 보입니다 (bo-im-ni-da) - This verb comes from 보다 (bo-da), "to see". The ending "-입니다" here combines with "보다" to form a polite, present-tense statement: "is seen". General Grammar Tip: Korean often uses action verbs in their participial form to modify nouns and give detailed descriptions. This structure is prevalent in descriptive and narrative writing, where sequences of actions or attributes are linked directly to nouns. Related Words: - 하얀 (ha-yan): This adjective means "white". It can describe any object, including clothing or buildings, as in "하얀 모스크" (white mosque). - 만나다 (man-na-da): This verb means "to meet". It can be used in various contexts to describe meetings or gatherings. |
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