Swedish Text:
Bilden visar två personer med bakverk i en liten tysk stad.

English Translation:
The picture shows two people with baked goods in a small German town.

Grammar Notes:

- "Bilden" is the definite form of "bild" (picture/image). The infinitive form is "bild." In Swedish, to make a noun definite, you add the suffix "-en" (for common gender nouns like "bild").
- "Bild" is a common gender noun.

- "Visar" is the present tense form of the verb "visa" (to show).
- Infinitive: "visa"

- "Två" means "two" and is an indefinite numeral used for countable items.

- "Personer" is the plural form of "person" (person). The infinitive form is the same, "person."
- "Person" is a common gender noun.

- "Med" is a preposition meaning "with."

- "Bakverk" means "pastries" or "baked goods." It is a plural noun, and the singular form is "bakverk" as well. The word is uncountable in this context, so it doesn't have a singular form in the usual sense.
- Infinitive: "bakverk"

- "I" means "in." It's a preposition used to indicate location.

- "En" is the indefinite article in Swedish, used for common gender singular nouns. In this case, it is used with "stad" (city).

- "Liten" means "small" and is an adjective modifying "stad." The form "liten" is used before a singular, common gender noun (like "stad").
- Infinitive: "liten" (adjective in its base form is "liten," but its form changes with the gender of the noun it's modifying).

- "Tysk" means "German." It is an adjective describing the noun "stad" (city). In this context, it is in its base form.
- Infinitive: "tysk" (adjective in its base form).

- "Stad" means "city." It is a common gender noun.
- Infinitive: "stad"

General Grammar Tip:
In Swedish, adjectives must agree with the gender and number of the noun they modify. For example, "liten" (small) is used with common gender singular nouns like "stad" (city). If the noun were neuter, the adjective would have a different form (e.g., "litet" for neuter singular nouns).

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