Grammar Notes: ### Sentence: *Dieses Bild zeigt steile Klippen und Häuser am Meer auf Madeira.* ### Breakdown of the Sentence: 1. Dieses (this) - Function: Demonstrative pronoun - Explanation: "Dieses" is a demonstrative pronoun used to specify a particular object or person. It corresponds to "this" in English. "Dieses" is used here because "Bild" (image) is a neuter noun, and "dieses" is the neuter form. - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a pronoun. 2. Bild (image) - Function: Noun - Explanation: "Bild" means "image" or "picture" in English. It is a neuter noun ("das Bild"). - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a noun. 3. Zeigt (shows) - Function: Verb - Explanation: "Zeigt" is the third person singular form of the verb "zeigen," which means "to show." In this context, it means "shows." - Infinitive: Zeigen (to show) 4. Steile (steep) - Function: Adjective - Explanation: "Steile" is the adjective form of "steil," meaning "steep" in English. The ending "-e" is used here to match the plural noun "Klippen." - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is an adjective. 5. Klippen (cliffs) - Function: Noun - Explanation: "Klippen" is the plural form of "Klippe," which means "cliff." In this sentence, it refers to "cliffs." - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a noun. 6. Und (and) - Function: Conjunction - Explanation: "Und" is a conjunction that means "and" in English. It connects words or phrases. - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a conjunction. 7. Häuser (houses) - Function: Noun - Explanation: "Häuser" is the plural form of "Haus," which means "house." In this context, it means "houses." - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a noun. 8. Am (at the) - Function: Prepositional contraction - Explanation: "Am" is a contraction of "an dem," where "an" means "at" or "on" and "dem" is the dative form of "der" (the, masculine or neuter). In this case, it means "at the" or "by the." - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a prepositional contraction. 9. Meer (sea) - Function: Noun - Explanation: "Meer" means "sea" in English. It is a neuter noun ("das Meer"). - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a noun. 10. Auf (on) - Function: Preposition - Explanation: "Auf" is a preposition meaning "on" or "at" depending on the context. In this sentence, it refers to the location "on Madeira." - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a preposition. 11. Madeira (Madeira) - Function: Proper noun - Explanation: "Madeira" is the name of an island in the Atlantic Ocean. - Infinitive: Not applicable, as it is a proper noun. ### General Grammar Tip: In German, adjectives like "steile" typically come before the noun they describe and must agree in gender, number, and case with the noun. For example, "steile" is used with the plural noun "Klippen," adding an "-e" to match the plural form. German also often uses contractions like "am," which combines the preposition "an" with the definite article "dem." Understanding these contractions is crucial for comprehension and correct usage in German. ### Related Words: - Zeigen (to show): Related verbs include "darstellen" (to represent) and "präsentieren" (to present). - Steil (steep): Related adjectives include "flach" (flat) and "steil abfallend" (steeply descending). |
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