Korean Word: 로 인해
Romanization: ro in he
English Meaning: due to, as a result of

Word Forms: 으로 인해 (eu ro in he)

Example Sentences:

지구온난화로 인해 북극곰은 멸종위기에 놓였습니다.
ji goo on nan hwa ro in he book geuk gom eun myul jong wi gi e no yut seup ni da.
As a result of global warming the polar bear is an endangered species.
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한국 전쟁으로 인해 많은 사람들이 목숨을 잃었습니다.
han gook jun jeng eu ro in he man eun sa ram deul i mok soom eul i rut seup ni da.
The Korean War cost many people's lives.
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프랑스에서는 홍수로 인해 최소 19명이 사망했습니다.
peu rang seu e suh neun hong soo ro in he chwe so 1 goo myung i sa mang het seup ni da.
In France, at least 19 people have died in floods.
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파업으로 인해 스페인행 항공편에 지장이 있을 것입니다.
pa up eu ro in he soo pe in heng hang gong pyun e ji jang i it eul gu ship ni da.
The strike will disrupt flights to Spain.
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매년 수천명이 음주로 인해 사망하고 있습니다.
me nyun soo chun myung i eum joo ro in he sa mang ha go it seup ni da.
Alcohol causes thousands of deaths every year.
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