Korean Word: 감옥
Romanization: gam ok
English Meaning: prison, jail

Example Sentences:

그 사람은 감옥에서 6년을 지냈습니다.
geu sa ram eun gam ok e suh yook nyun eul ji net seup ni da.
He spent six years in prison.
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그는 감옥에서 탈출했어요.
geu neun gam ok e suh tal chool het uh yo.
He escaped from prison.
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감옥이 포화상태예요.
gam ok i po hwa sang te ye yo.
The prison is overcrowded.
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아이티의 지진동안에 많은 범죄자들이 감옥에서 탈출했습니다.
a i ti eui ji jin dong an e man eun bum jwe ja deul i gam ok e suh tal chool het seup ni da.
During the earthquake in Haiti a lot of criminals escaped from prison.
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