Korean Word: 예약
Romanization: ye yak
English Meaning: appointment, reservation

Example Sentences:

저는 2시에 치과 예약이 있습니다.
juh neun dool shi e chi gwa ye yak i it seup ni da.
I've got an appointment at 2 o'clock at the dentist.
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그들은 미국 여행을 예약했습니다.
geu deul eun mi gook yuh heng eul ye yak het seup ni da.
They booked a trip to the US.
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그 호텔은 예약이 다 찼어요.
geu ho tel eun ye yak i da chat uh yo.
The hotel is fully booked.
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미리 예약하시면 비용을 60 퍼센트까지 절약하실 수 있습니다.
mi ri ye yak ha shi myun bi yong eul yook ship puh sen teu ka ji jul yak ha shil soo it seup ni da.
You can save up to 60% by booking in advance.
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Related Words:


1. yes, right 2. example 3. manners, etiquette (hanja) 4. in advance

Here: in advance

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1. drug, medicine 2. appointment (hanja) 3. approximately 4. weak (hanja)

Here: appointment (hanja)

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