Korean Word: 직원
Romanization: jik wun
English Meaning: employee, staff

Example Sentences:

회사는 주문량 감소로 사전 통보없이 직원의 50%를 해고하였습니다.
hwe sa neun joo moon ryang gam so ro sa jun tong bo up shi jik wun eui o ship puh sen teu reul he go ha yut seup ni da.
Since orders declined, the company has fired 50% of the work force without notice.
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우리는 전략적으로 사고할 수 있는 직원을 찾고 있습니다.
woo ri neun jun ryak juk eu ro sa go hal soo it neun jik wun eul chat go it seup ni da.
We are looking for an employee who is able to think strategically.
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일년에 세 번 전 직원들의 업무수행평가가 실시됩니다.
il nyun e se bun jun jik wun deul eui up moo soo heng pyung ga ga shil shi dwep ni da.
Three times a year the work performance of every employee is reviewed.
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화재 발생으로 호텔 투숙객들과 직원들은 호텔에서 대피해야 했습니다.
hwa je bal seng eu ro ho tel too sook gek deul gwa jik wun deul eun ho tel e suh de pi he ya het seup ni da.
Guests and staff were forced to leave the hotel when a fire broke out.
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이따 오후에 직원회의가 있습니다.
i ta o hoo e jik wun hwe eui ga it seup ni da.
There's a staff meeting later on this afternoon.
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주문량이 줄어든 이후, 그 회사는 직원의 50퍼센트를 통보없이 해고 했다.
joo moon ryang i jool uh deun i hoo, geu hwe sa neun jik wun eui o ship puh sen teu reul tong bo up shi he go het da.
Since orders declined, the company has fired 50% of the work force without notice.
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저희 상관은 실적이 좋지 않은 직원들을 바로 해고시켜요.
juh hi sang gwan eun shil juk i jo ji an eun jik wun deul eul ba ro he go shi kyuh yo.
Our boss quickly fires employees who don't perform.
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