Korean Word: 주세요
Romanization: joo se yo
English Meaning: please

Example Sentences:

다시 한 번 말씀해 주세요.
da shi han bun mal seum he joo se yo.
Please say it again.
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잠깐만 기다려 주세요.
jam kan man gi da ryuh joo se yo.
Wait a minute please.
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계산서 좀 주세요.
ge san suh jom joo se yo.
The bill, please! (The check please!)
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그렇다고 좀 말해주세요.
geu ruh ta go jom mal he joo se yo.
Please say yes.
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길을 잃었습니다. 좀 도와 주세요.
gil eul ut seup ni da. jom do wa joo se yo.
I got lost. Please help me.
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빨리, 의사 좀 불러 주세요!
pal li, eui sa jom bool luh joo se yo!
Quick! Call a doctor!
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커튼 좀 걷어 주세요.
kuh teun jom gut uh joo se yo.
Please open the curtain.
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Related Words:


joo da

1. to give, to offer 2. to do sth for someone

Here: to give, to offer

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