Korean Word: 도시
Romanization: do shi
English Meaning: city, town

Example Sentences:

이 회사는 한국의 모든 주요 도시에 지사를 두고 있습니다.
i hwe sa neun han gook eui mo deun joo yo do shi e ji sa reul doo go it seup ni da.
This company has branches in all major Korean cities.
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프랑크푸르트는 독일에서 제일 큰 금융중심 도시입니다.
peu rang keu poo reu teu neun dok il e suh je il keun geum yoong joong sim do shi ip ni da.
The city of Frankfurt is the largest financial centre in Germany.
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저는 도시 중심부에 살고 있습니다.
juh neun do shi joong shim boo e sal go it seup ni da.
I live in the city centre.
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이 도시는 2차대전 때 거의 파괴되었습니다.
i do shi neun i cha de jun te guh eui pa gwe dwe ut seup ni da.
This city was almost completely destroyed in the second world war.
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런던은 물가가 아주 비싼 도시입니다.
lun dun eun mool ga ga a joo bi san do shi ip ni da.
London is a very expensive city.
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그 도시에는 인구가 많습니다.
geu do shi e neun in goo ga man seup ni da.
The city has a large population.
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로마는 "영원한 도시"라고 불린다.
ro ma neun"yung wun han do shi"ra go bool lin da.
Rome is called the "eternal city".
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