Korean Word:
Romanization: poon
English Meaning: only, just

Word Forms: 을 뿐 (eul pun)

Example Sentences:

그 여자분은 술을 너무 많이 마십니다. 그뿐 아니라 담배도 다시 피우기 시작했습니다.
geu yuh ja boon eun sool eul nuh moo man i ma ship ni da. geu poon a ni ra dam be do da shi pi woo gi shi jak het seup ni da.
She drinks far too much. In addition, she started smoking again!
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오늘 먹은 거라곤 샌드위치 하나뿐이야.
o neul muh geun guh ra gon sen deu wi chi ha na poon i ya.
I've had nothing but a sandwich all day.
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인생은 한번 뿐이야 - 너가 힌두교 신자가 아닌 한!
in seng eun han bun poon i ya - nuh ga hin doo gyo shin ja ga a nin han!
You only live once - unless you are Hindu!
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