Korean Word: 그들
Romanization: geu deul
English Meaning: they, them

Example Sentences:

그들은 자신들의 범죄로 사형 선고를 받았습니다.
geu deul eun ja shin deul eui bum jwe ro sa hyung sun go reul bat at seup ni da.
They were sentenced to death for their crimes.
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그들은 결혼한 지 10년이 넘었지만 아직 아이가 없습니다.
geu deul eun gyul hon han ji ship nyun i num ut ji man a jik a i ga up seup ni da.
They have been married for over 10 years, but so far don't have any children.
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그들은 무거운 마음으로 부상 당한 짐승을 안락사 시켰습니다.
geu deul eun moo guh woon ma eum eu ro boo sang dang han jim seung eul an rak sa si kyut seup ni da.
With a heavy heart they decided to put the injured animal to sleep.
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그들은 비행기를 타고 이탈리아로 신혼여행을 갔습니다.
geu deul eun bi heng gi reul ta go i tal li a ro shin hon yuh heng eul gat seup ni da.
On honeymoon they flew to Italy.
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그들은 유죄를 판결받았습니다.
geu deul eun yoo jwe reul pan gyul bat at seup ni da.
They have been found guilty.
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그들은 사형 선고를 받았습니다.
geu deul eun sa hyung sun go reul bat at seup ni da.
They were sentenced to death.
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그들은 미국 여행을 예약했습니다.
geu deul eun mi gook yuh heng eul ye yak het seup ni da.
They booked a trip to the US.
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Related Words:


1. he, him, his (written) 2. the, that

Here: the, that (+people or object)

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(particle after noun to make plural)

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