Korean Word: 마시다
Romanization: ma shi da
English Meaning: to drink

Word Forms: 마셔 (ma shuh), 마셨 (ma shut), 마시 (ma shi), 마신 (ma shin), 마실 (ma shil), 마십 (ma ship)

Example Sentences:

이런 더위에는 물을 많이 마셔야 합니다.
i run duh wi e neun mool eul man i ma shuh ya hap ni da.
During this heat it's important to drink a lot of water.
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그 여자분은 술을 너무 많이 마십니다. 그뿐 아니라 담배도 다시 피우기 시작했습니다.
geu yuh ja boon eun sool eul nuh moo man i ma ship ni da. geu poon a ni ra dam be do da shi pi woo gi shi jak het seup ni da.
She drinks far too much. In addition, she started smoking again!
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그녀는 하루에 적어도 2잔 이상의 커피를 마십니다.
geu nyuh neun ha roo e juk uh do dool jan i sang eui kuh pi reul ma ship ni da.
She drinks at least 2 cups of coffee per day.
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그녀는 와인을 조금만 마셨지만 그래도 택시를 탈 것을 선택했다.
geu nyuh neun wa in eul jo geum man ma shut ji man geu re do tek shi reul tal gut eul sun tek het da.
She had only had a small glass of wine, but still she preferred to take a taxi.
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그는 따뜻한 우유에 꿀을 타서 마시는 것을 좋아합니다.
geu neun ta teut han woo yoo e kool eul ta suh ma shi neun gut eul jo a hap ni da.
He likes to drink warm milk with honey.
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임산부는 술을 마시면 안됩니다.
im san boo neun sool eul ma shi myun an dwep ni da.
Pregnant women should not drink alcohol.
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수돗물을 마셔도 안전해요?
soo dot mool eul ma shuh do an jun he yo?
Is the tap water safe to drink?
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