Korean Word: 여행
Romanization: yuh heng
English Meaning: trip, travel

Example Sentences:

주말 여행은 정말 환상적이었어요. 너무나 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다.
joo mal yuh heng eun jung mal hwan sang juk i ut suh yo. nuh moo na jeul guh woon shi gan eul bo net seup ni da.
The trip on the weekend was fantastic. I enjoyed it immensely!
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저는 다음 달에 아시아로 여행을 갑니다.
juh neun da eum dal e a shi a ro yuh heng eul gap ni da.
Next month I will be away on a trip to Asia.
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그들은 미국 여행을 예약했습니다.
geu deul eun mi gook yuh heng eul ye yak het seup ni da.
They booked a trip to the US.
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시간 여행이 언젠가 가능해질 거라고 생각하십니까?
shi gan yuh heng i un jen ga ga neung he jil guh ra go seng gak ha ship ni ka?
Do you think time travel will be possible one day?
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시간이 날 때 전 이탈리아로 여행가는 걸 좋아합니다.
shi gan i nal te jun i tal li a ro yuh heng ga neun gul jo a hap ni da.
When I have time I enjoy travelling to Italy.
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저는 다른 나라로 여행할 때 여권 사본을 가지고 가요.
juh neun da reun na ra ro yuh heng hal te yuh gwun sa bon eul ga ji go ga yo.
When I travel to other countries I bring copies of my passport along with me.
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제 꿈은 세계 여행이에요.
je koom eun se ge yuh heng i e yo.
My dream is to travel all around the world.
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