Korean Word: 에게
Romanization: e ge
English Meaning: to, for (someone)

Word Forms: 게 (ge), 께 (ke)

Example Sentences:

제가 그분에게 이야기해 보겠습니다.
je ga geu boon e ge i ya gi he bo get seup ni da.
I will speak to him.
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넌 내게 가장 소중한 친구야.
nun ne ge ga jang so joong han chin goo ya.
You are my best friend.
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여기서는 비둘기에게 모이를 주는 것이 금지되어 있습니다.
yuh gi suh neun bi dool gi e ge mo i reul joo neun gut i geum ji dwe uh it seup ni da.
It is forbidden to feed the pigeons here.
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그에게 가족은 매우 중요합니다.
geu e ge ga jok eun me woo joong yo hap ni da.
His family is very important to him.
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그 여자분이 그렇게 하겠다고 제게 약속했습니다.
geu yuh ja boon i geu ruh ke ha get da go je ge yak sok het seup ni da.
She promised me to do it.
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제 딸은 오늘 학교에서 울면서 돌아왔습니다. "무슨 일이 있었니?" 저는 딸에게 물었습니다.
je tal eun o neul hak gyo e suh wool myun suh do ra wat seup ni da . " moo seun il i it sut ni ?" juh neun tal e ge mool ut seup ni da.
My daughter came home from school crying today. "What happened?" I asked her.
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그녀가 개구리에게 키스를 하자 개구리는 잘생긴 왕자님으로 변했습니다.
geu nyuh ga ge goo ri e ge ki seu reul ha ja ge goo ri neun jal seng gin wang ja nim eu ro byun het seup ni da.
When she kissed the frog, it turned into a handsome prince.
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