Korean Word: 만들다
Romanization: man deul da
English Meaning: to make, to create, to mould

Word Forms: 만드 (man deu), 만든 (man deun), 만들 (man deul), 만들어 (man deu ruh), 만듭 (man deup)

Example Sentences:

치즈는 우유로 만듭니다.
chi jeu neun woo yoo ro man deup ni da.
Cheese is made from milk.
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이 음식을 만드는 법을 가르쳐 주시겠습니까?
i eum shik eul man deu neun bup eul ga reu chuh joo shi get seup ni ka?
Can I have the recipe of this dish?
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성공의 열쇠는 스스로 열심히 일하거나 다른 사람들이 열심히 일하도록 만드는 것입니다.
sung gong eui yul swe neun seu seu ro yul shim hi il ha guh na da reun sa ram deul i yul shim hi il ha do rok man deu neun gut ip ni da.
The key to success is working hard, or letting others work hard.
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이 케이크 만드는 방법 좀 알려 주실 수 있으세요?
i ke i keu man deu neun bang bup jom al lyuh joo shil soo it eu se yo
Can you give me the recipe for this cake?
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꿀벌이 꿀을 어떻게 만듭니까?
kool bul i kool eul uh du ke man deup ni ka?
How do bees make honey?
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저희 어머니는 건강에 좋다고 이 야채 수프를 자주 만드십니다.
juh hi uh muh ni neun gun gang e jo ta go i ya che soo peu reul ja joo man deu ship ni da.
My mother often makes vegetable soup, because it's very healthy.
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그녀가 저희에게 주려고 케이크를 만들었어요.
geu nyuh ga juh hi e ge joo ryuh go ke i keu reul man deul ut suh yo.
She has baked a cake for us.
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