Korean Word: 위하다
Romanization: wi ha da
English Meaning: 1. for, in favor of 2. to do or to be in favor of, to serve 3. in order to

Word Forms: 기 위해 (gi wi he), 기 위해선 (gi wi he sun), 위하 (wi ha), 위한 (wi han), 위할 (wi hal), 위해 (wi he), 위해서 (wi he suh), 위했 (wi het)

Example Sentences:

저를 위해 애써 주신 모든 것에 감사드립니다.
juh reul wi he e suh joo shin mo deun gut e gam sa deu rip ni da.
Thank you for everything you did for me.
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저는 가까운 거리를 갈 때도 안전을 위해 항상 안전벨트를 착용합니다.
juh neun ga ka woon guh ri reul gal te do an jun eul wi he hang sang an jun bel teu reul cha gyong hap ni da.
For security I always put on a seatbelt, even for short journeys.
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나는 스트레스 해소를 위해 테니스를 칩니다.
na neun seu teu re seu he so reul wi he te ni soo reul chip ni da.
I play tennis to relieve stress.
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그는 빚을 갚기 위해 열심히 일했습니다.
geu neun bit eul gap gi wi he yul shim hi il het seup ni da.
He worked a lot to pay off his debts.
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그는 그의 일을 위해서라면 무엇이든 할 겁니다!
geu neun geu eui il eul wi he suh ra myun moo uh shi deun hal gup ni da!
For his career he is willing to do anything!
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천문학자들은 별을 연구하기 위해 망원경을 사용한다.
chun moon hak ja deul eun byul eul yun goo ha gi wi he mang wun gyung eul sa yong han da.
Astronomers use telescopes to study the stars.
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올해 우리는 크리스마스를 위해 칠면조를 샀습니다.
ol he woo ri neun keu ri seu ma seu reul wi he chil myun jo reul sat seup ni da.
This year we bought a turkey for Christmas.
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