Korean Word: 근처
Romanization: geun chuh
English Meaning: 1. neighborhood, vicinity 2. around, about, nearby, near

Example Sentences:

근처에 있는 식당 좀 추천해 주시겠어요?
geun chuh e it neun shik dang jom choo chun he joo shi get uh yo
Can you recommend a restaurant nearby?
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이 근처에서 곰이 자주 발견되었습니다.
i geun chuh e suh gom i ja joo bal gyun dwe ut seup ni da.
There were several sightings of a bear around here.
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근처에 큰 시장이 있습니다.
geun chuh e keun shi jang i it seup ni da.
There is a big market nearby.
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근처에 PC방이 있나요?
geun chuh e pi ci bang i it na yo?
Is there an Internet café close by?
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근처에 골프장이 두 군데 있어요.
geun chuh e gol peu jang i doo goon de it suh yo.
There are two golf courses nearby.
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이 근처에 우체국이 어디 있어요?
i geun chuh e woo che gook i uh di it suh yo?
Where is a post office around here?
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