Korean Word: 세우다
Romanization: se woo da
English Meaning: 1. to stand, to erect, to raise 2. to stop 3. to make (plans)

Word Forms: 세우 (se woo), 세운 (se woon), 세울 (se wool), 세워 (se wuh), 세웠 (se wut)

Example Sentences:

좌석을 똑바로 세워 주십시오.
jwa suk eul dok ba ro se wuh joo ship shi o.
Please put your seat in an upright position.
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주말 계획을 좀 세워볼까요?
joo mal ge hwek eul jom se wuh bol ka yo?
Do you want to do something on the weekend?
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휴가 계획을 세우셨나요?
hyoo ga ge hwek eul se woo shut na yo?
Have you planned your holidays yet?
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여기에 세워주세요.
yuh gi e se wuh joo se yo.
Please stop here. (taxi)
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