Korean Word: 어느
Romanization: uh neu
English Meaning: 1. which 2. some

Example Sentences:

아파트를 찾고 있어요. 어느 동네가 범죄율이 낮은가요?
a pa teu reul chat go it suh yo. uh neu dong ne ga bum jwe yool i na jeun ga yo?
I'm looking for a flat. Which area has low crime?
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박물관에 가려면 어느 정류장에서 내려야 돼요?
bak mool gwan e ga ryuh myun uh neu jung ryoo jang e suh ne ryuh ya dwe yo?
Which stop do I need to get off for the museum?
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기차가 어느 승강장에서 출발하죠?
gi cha ga uh neu soong gang jang e suh chool bal ha jyo?
From which platform does the train depart?
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어느 나라 출신이세요?
uh neu na ra chool shin i se yo?
Which country are you from?
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