Korean Word: 관광객
Romanization: gwan gwang gek
English Meaning: tourist (noun)

Example Sentences:

사자의 먹이는 영양, 가젤, 누, 얼룩말, 그리고 부주의한 관광객들이 됩니다.
sa ja eui muk i neun yung yang, ga gel, noo, ul rook mal, geu ri go boo joo eui han gwan gwang gek deu ri dwep ni da.
The diet of lions consists of antelopes, gazelles, gnus, zebras and careless tourists.
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해마다 3백만 명의 러시아 관광객들이 터키를 방문해요.
he ma da sam bek man myung eui ruh shi a gwan gwang gek deul i tuh ki reul bang moon he yo.
About 3 million Russian tourists visit Turkey annually.
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대부분의 관광객들은 그 섬의 남부 지역을 방문합니다.
de boo boon eui gwan gwang gek deul eun geu sum eui nam boo ji yuk eul bang moon hap ni da.
Most of the tourists visit the southern part of the island.
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최근 몇 년간 관광객 수가 확 줄었어요.
chwe geun myut nyun gan gwan gwang gek soo ga hwak jool ut suh yo.
The number of tourists fell a lot in recent years.
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이집트에서 독일 관광객이 상어의 공격으로 사망했습니다.
i jip teu e suh dok il gwan gwang gek i sang uh eui gong gyuk eu ro sa mang het seup ni da.
In Egypt, a German tourist was killed by a shark.
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Related Words:


gwan gwang

tour, travel

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guest, visitor

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