Korean Word: 인생
Romanization: in seng
English Meaning: life

Example Sentences:

인생의 의미란 무엇입니까?
in seng eui ui mi ran moo ut ip ni ka?
What is the meaning of life?
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마약이 그녀의 인생을 망쳤다.
ma yak i geu nyuh eui in seng eul mang chut da.
Drugs have destroyed her life.
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인생은 너무 짧아 행복할 시간도 부족하다.
in seng eun nuh moo jal ba heng bok hal shi gan do boo jok ha da.
Life is too short to be anything but happy.
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인생이 항상 공평한 것은 아니에요.
in seng i hang sang gong pyung han gut eun a ni e yo.
Life isn't always fair.
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그녀는 제 인생에서 중요한 사람이었습니다.
geu nyuh neun je in seng e suh joong yo han sa ram i ut seup ni da.
She was an important person in my life.
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자신의 인생을 변화시키는데 너무 늦은 시기는 없다.
ja shin eui in seng eul byun wha shi ki neun de nuh moo neut eun shi gi neun up da.
It's never too late to change your life.
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인생은 짧아요.
in seng eun jal ba yo.
Life is short.
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Related Words:


1. person, people 2. humanity, philanthropy 3. phosphorus (chemistry)

Here: person, people

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Here: living

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