Korean Word: 쓰다
Romanization: seu da
English Meaning: 1. to spend, to use 2. to write 3. to wear (hats, sunglasses) 4. bitter (flavor)

Word Forms: 써 (suh), 써요 (suh yo), 썼 (sut), 쓰 (seu), 쓴 (seun), 쓸 (seul)

Example Sentences:

중국어는 수직으로 또는 수평으로 글을 쓸 수 있다.
joong gook uh neun soo jik eu ro to neun soo pyung eu ro geul eul seul soo it da.
Chinese can be written vertically or horizontally.
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포르투갈어를 쓰는 사람들은 스페인어를 쓰는 사람들보다 적다.
po reu too gal uh reul seu neun sa ram deul eun seu pe in uh reul seu neun sa ram deul bo da juk da.
Fewer people speak Portuguese than Spanish.
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그는 부인에게 긴 편지를 썼다.
geu neun boo in e ge gin pyun ji reul sut da.
He wrote a long letter to his wife.
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이것 좀 봐요. 제 남자친구가 저를 위해 시를 써 줬어요!
i gut jom bwa yo. je nam ja chin goo ga juh reul wi he shi reul suh jwut uh yo!
Look, my boyfriend wrote a poem for me!
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'주차금지' 라고 써 있어요!
' joo cha geum ji ' ra go suh it suh yo!
The sign says "No parking!".
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이열치열 작전을 쓸 거예요.
i yul chi yul jak jun eul seul guh ye yo.
We are going to fight fire with fire.
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일기를 쓰세요?
il gi reul seu se yo?
Do you keep a diary?
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