Korean Word: 일주일
Romanization: il joo il
English Meaning: a week

Example Sentences:

그녀는 일주일에 한 번씩 합창단에서 노래를 합니다.
geu nyuh neun il joo il e han bun sik hap chang dan e suh no re reul hap ni da.
She sings in a choir once a week.
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장례식은 그녀의 사망 후 일주일 뒤에 열렸습니다.
jang rye sik eun geu nyuh eui sa mang hoo il joo il dwi e yul lyut seup ni da.
The funeral was one week after she died.
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이 별장의 일주일 임대료는 500유로예요.
i byul jang eui il joo il im de ryo neun o bek yoo ro ye yo.
The rent for this cottage is 500 euros per week.
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이 변호사는 시간 당 청구하는 요금이 내가 일주일동안 버는 돈보다 더 많아요. 너무 욕심이 많아요!
i byun ho sa neun shi gan dang chung goo ha neun yo geum i ne ga il joo il dong an buh neun don bo da duh ma na yo. nuh moo yok shim i ma na yo!
This lawyer charges more per hour than I make in a week. How greedy!
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저는 제 아파트를 일주일에 한 번 청소해요.
juh neun je a pa teu reul il joo il e han bun chung so he yo.
I clean my apartment once a week.
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Related Words:


1. one, 1 (hanja) 2. work 3. matter, affair 4. Japanese 5. day, date 6. (particle in verb to add meaning of passivity) 7. sun

Here: one, 1 (hanja)

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1. major, main 2. alcohol, liquor 3. province, state 4. god (in Christianity) 5. week 6. owner 7. stock (noun)

Here: week

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