Korean Word: 그것
Romanization: geu gut
English Meaning: it, that

Word Forms: 그거 (geu guh), 그건 (geu gun), 그걸 (geu gul), 그게 (geu ge)

Example Sentences:

그게 한국말로 뭐예요?
geu ge han gook mal ro mwu ye yo?
How do you say that in Korean?
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그것은 그다지 좋은 계획이 아닙니다.
geu gut eun geu da ji jo eun ge hwek i a nip ni da.
That wasn't a well-thought-out plan.
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그건 전혀 사실이 아닙니다.
geu gun jun hyuh sa shil i a nip ni da.
That isn't true at all!
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그건 비용이 얼마나 들죠?
geu gun bi yong i ul ma na deul jyo?
How much does it cost?
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그건 하면 안 돼요.
geu gun ha myun an dwe yo.
You are not allowed to do that.
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그것을 어떻게 생각하십니까?
geu gut eul uh du ke seng gak ha ship ni ka?
How do you like that?
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어차피 그것은 해야 한다.
uh cha pi geu gut eun he ya han da.
I must do it anyway.
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Related Words:


1. he, him, his (written) 2. the, that

Here: the, that (+people or object)

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thing, object

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