Korean Word:
Romanization: gi
English Meaning: 1. energy, chi 2. machine 3. flag 4. air, weather 5. (particle used to make a gerund or an infinitive) 6. period of time

Word Forms: 길 (gil)

Example Sentences:

좋은 소식을 가지고 있기를 바랍니다.
jo eun so shik eul ga ji go it gi reul ba rap ni da.
I hope you have good news for me.
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오늘은 수영을 하기에는 너무 추운 날씨입니다.
o neul eun soo yung eul ha gi e neun nuh moo choo woon nal si ip ni da.
Today it is too cold to go swimming.
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그 여자분은 술을 너무 많이 마십니다. 그뿐 아니라 담배도 다시 피우기 시작했습니다.
geu yuh ja boon eun sool eul nuh moo man i ma ship ni da. geu poon a ni ra dam be do da shi pi woo gi shi jak het seup ni da.
She drinks far too much. In addition, she started smoking again!
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그는 수학 공부보다는 인터넷 서핑 하기를 더 좋아합니다.
geu neun soo hak gong boo bo da neun in tuh net suh ping ha gi reul duh jo a hap ni da.
Instead of learning maths he prefers to surf the Internet.
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그 사람은 반년 이상 실직 상태로 있었기 때문에 이제 정부 보조가 필요합니다.
geu sa ram eun ban nyun i sang shil jik sang te ro it sut gi te moon e i je jung boo bo jo ga pil yo hap ni da.
Because he has been unemployed for more than half a year, he now needs help from the government.
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작년부터 이 길은 너무 심하게 막히기 시작했습니다.
jang nyun boo tuh i gil eun nuh moo shim ha ge ma ki gi shi jak het seup ni da.
In the last year the traffic on this street has become unbearable.
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추월하기 전에 백미러를 확인하세요.
choo wul ha gi jun e bek mi ruh rool hwak in ha se yo.
Before you overtake look into the rear-view mirror.
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