Korean Word: 전화
Romanization: jun hwa
English Meaning: telephone, call

Example Sentences:

누가 전화했습니까?
noo ga jun hwa het seup ni ka?
Who phoned?
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제가 다시 전화 드릴게요.
je ga da shi jun hwa deu ril ge yo.
I'll call you back.
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제가 나중에 전화 다시 드릴게요. 그러세요.
je ga na joong e jun hwa da shi deu ril ge yo. geu ruh se yo.
I will call you back later. No problem.
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그녀는 가장 친한 친구와 매일 전화를 했었어요.
geu nyuh neun ga jang chin han chin goo wa me il jun hwa reul het ut suh yo.
She used to talk to her best friend every day.
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전화를 해야 돼요.
jun hwa reul he ya dwe yo.
I need to make a phone call.
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전화 잘못 거셨어요.
jun hwa jal mot guh shut uh yo.
You've got the wrong number. (said on the phone)
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아직도 전화 통화하고 계세요.
a jik do jun hwa tong hwa ha go ge se yo.
He is still on the phone.
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