Korean Word: 다고
Romanization: da go
English Meaning: that (conjunction)

Example Sentences:

그 여자분이 그렇게 하겠다고 제게 약속했습니다.
geu yuh ja boon i geu ruh ke ha get da go je ge yak sok het seup ni da.
She promised me to do it.
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중세에는 세상이 네 가지 요소인 땅, 물, 공기, 불로 이루어졌다고 믿었습니다.
joong se e neun se sang i ne ga ji yo so in dang, mool, gong gi, bool ro i roo uh jyut da go mi dut seup ni da.
In the Middle Ages it was believed, that the world consists of four elements: earth, water, air and fire.
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귀신이 있다고 믿습니까?
gwi shin i it da go mit seup ni ka?
Do you believe ghosts exist?
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우리는 지금 휴가를 갈 형편이 못 된다고 생각합니다.
woo ri neun ji geum hyoo ga reul gal hyung pyun i mot dwen da go seng gak hap ni da.
I think that we can't afford a holiday for now.
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중세시대 사람들은 세상이 흙, 물, 공기, 불이라는 네 가지 요소로 이루어졌다고 믿었다.
joong se si de sa ram deul eun se sang i heuk, mool, gong gi, bool i ra neun ne ga ji yo so ro i roo uh jyut da go mi dut da.
In the Middle Ages it was believed, that the world consists of four elements: earth, water, air and fire.
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한 학년을 다시 들어야 한다고? 참 형편없는 성적을 냈구나!
han hak nyun eul da shi deu ruh ya han da go? cham hyung pyun up neun sung juk eul net goo na!
You have to repeat another school year? What lousy performance!
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원래의 계획을 고수해야 한다고 생각합니다.
wun re eui ge hwek eul go soo he ya han da go seng gak hap ni da.
I think we should adhere to the original plan.
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